Quadra residents are invited to participate in this day long event. Think of it as a way to give away stuff as part of your spring cleaning.
Please place your giveaways at the end of your driveway or in another spot on your property so that they can be safely picked up between 9am-5pm on May 11, 2024.
Giveaway stuff can include household things, plants, toys, bikes, gardening and other tools, etc.
Please ensure that the items are in good shape and may be reused by others.
We welcome all participants, but we ask that you clear everything off public roadways at the end of the day.
Email Jan or call Lynda if you wish to make your address public as a participant on that day. We’ll do our best to post streets or addresses before then.
Quadra ICAN Free Store: Jan Gladish: jan.gladish@gmail.com
Lynda Bell (250) 285 – 3205