Starting on February 28th, the NEW Quadra Climate Change Book Club will begin!
UPDATE: New Location and Time (see below):
We will be meeting EVERY WEEK at the QCC (Board Room) on Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30pm. Two chapters of the first book will be discussed at each meeting, and this will take until mid April, at which point Book Club members will decide whether we want to start another book or break for the summer.
The first book will be Eye of the Storm: Facing Climate and Social Chaos with Calm and Courage by Terry LePage. This excellent book is for those concerned that our current lifestyle is finite and unsustainable, and that we need a new way to cope.
A PDF version of the book will be provided to Book Club members for free (as generously provided by the author) or the paperback version can be ordered from Coho Books or online (Book Bonanza is unable to carry it). Kindle/Kobo versions are also available, and there is a free audio recording, read by Michael Dowd.
Prior to registering: Please read the section “Read this First: Is this book for you?” (available on the author’s website).
To register: Call or text Sandy McCairns at 250-202-5928.