Water sustainability on Quadra Island was the topic at the Quadra Community Centre on March 9 with a progress report on the projects undertaken by the ICAN Water Security Team and the We Wai Kai Nation. About 60 people attended the presentation, some coming from Campbell River and Cortes Island. Michele Babchuk, MLA North Island, commended the pro-active approach of studying the water status on Quadra to prepare for a changing future. And Robyn Mawhinney, Director Area C, stated that groundwater is one of her priorities. Slides from the presentation are available HERE.

Water sustainability projects that have been initiated include Deep Well Monitoring and Aquifer Mapping, Stream Flow Monitoring for salmon bearing streams, and Wetlands and Watercourse Mapping.

The wetlands mapping project is actively seeking volunteers who are either interested in native vegetation identification or have skills in GPS and tablet based digital mapping methods.  To volunteer, please go to our Volunteer Sign-up page HERE.

Contact information for the Water Security team can be found HERE.