ICAN’s Energy Team aims to install a highly visible, grid-tied, solar panel
system on Quadra Elementary, complete with a metering module that will
allow students to evaluate energy-saving programs they devise themselves.
It will be the size for a typical Quadra residence and an app will be
available for all Quadrites to access the module. And it will reduce the
school’s electricity budget! It’s a brilliant project with many wins.
We’ve got committed funding from BC Hydro and other generous donors, but we
need $5,000 to secure that funding and make the project happen by this fall.
Please help bring this project home. Donate by e-transfer at
quadraicansociety@gmail.com, or by cheque payable to Quadra ICAN Society
(Energy) sent to Box 355, Heriot Bay, BC V0P 1H0.
With thanks from your ICAN Energy Team — Alex, Jan, Mary, Mike, and Rod.